ENGR 1166

Foundations of Biomedical Engineering

This is an undergraduate-level course. Students from the Biomedical Engineering Program are required to attend in Freshmen year, Spring semester. IMPORTANT: Dr. Santaniello does not teach this course anymore.


The course provides an introduction to several areas of research found in Biomedical Engineering. Topics include basic biomechanics, bioinstrumentation systems, circuit elements and concepts, linear network analysis, bio-potentials, biosensors, various imaging techniques, fundamentals of bioinformatics and molecular engineering. A required class project will help students identify and formulate solutions to a problem found in the biomedical engineering field.

Course Objectives and Outcomes:

The objective of this course is to aid each student in making progress in the following areas: (1) Learning to apply course material to improve thinking, problem solving, and decision making in analyzing Biomedical Engineering problems using proper assumptions and simplifications; (2) Gaining knowledge about the mechanics, materials and operation of the human system; (3) Learning fundamental principles and generalizations of engineering analysis used in Biomedical Engineering (e.g., Newton’s laws, equilibrium of a body, basic circuit elements, biosensors, fundamentals of molecular engineering). To this purpose, students will learn through lectures, assignments, and six hands-on laboratory sessions. At the end of this course, each student should be able to: (A) Apply knowledge of basic engineering to solve the problems at the interface of engineering and biology; (B) Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems; (C) Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

Topics Covered:

Vectors; Free Body Diagrams; Forces, Equilibrium; Biomechanical Modeling; Biomechanical Testing Techniques; Biomechanical Problem Solving Methodology; Basic Bioinstrumentation System; Basic Circuit Elements and Concepts; Linear Network Analysis; The Origin of Bio-potential Signals; How Biosensors Record Signals in the Human Body; Imaging Techniques; Fundamentals of Bioinformatics; Fundamental of Molecular Engineering.

Prerequisite: none

Required, Elective, or Selected Elective: Required.

Lectures:2 lectures per week (80 minutes per lecture)

Grading: Exams:  50%; Homework:  30%; Tests: 10%; Project: 10%

A syllabus can be found here.


[TB] John D. Enderle & Joseph D. Bronzino (2012) Introduction to Biomedical Engineering. ISBN: 978-012-374-979-6

 Plan of Lectures and Assignments

Lecture Topic References/Reading Assignment
1-2 Introduction to Biomechanics Lecture Notes 1 & 2 Homework 1
3 Center of Gravity Lecture Notes
4 Free Body Diagrams Lecture Notes
5 Segmental Analysis Lecture Notes
6-7 Laboratory Session 1-2 Handouts Lab report 1 & 2
8 EXAM 1
9-10 Introduction to Bioelectricity Lecture Notes 1 & 2 Homework 2
11-12 Circuit Analysis Lecture Notes 1 & 2
13 Project Assignment
14-15 Laboratory Session 3-4 Handouts Lab report 3 & 4
16 EXAM 2
17-18 Introduction to Biopotentials Lecture Notes 1
19-20 Laboratory Session 5-6 Handouts Lab report 5 & 6
21-22 Introduction to Medical Imaging Lecture Notes 1 & 2 Homework 3
23-24 Introduction to Bioinformatics Lecture Notes 1& 2  Homework 4
25 EXAM 3